(okay now to be serious)
You're at that point... she said way too much, and you've held your tongue for too long. So you snap... words fly out of your mouth...words you never even thought you knew. You degrade her... make her feel worthless. She's paying for everything that has ever upset you.
It's too late to say you're sorry... whats done is done... plus your pride is getting in the way, so you say to yourself, "She got what she deserved." You look at the hurt and anger in her eyes, and realize you kept the cycle going. There is no justification for unleashing anger in that fashion, for breaking down and hurting another sister in that way. But you walk away, refusing to be humble and seek forgiveness. Her anger turns to resentment, resentment bitterness... and then before you know it... you are mortal enemies.
Anger can get the best of us sometimes, whether you are a hot-head or an even-tempered person. Anger will boil over the top at some point and when it does... it will explode like Mount Helena. My sisters, this explosion of anger and hurtful words that pour out "in the moment" is not pleasing to God. What glory is being brought to his name when we TEAR-DOWN the Body of Christ, who's love are we showing when we hurt another person.
Proverbs 29:11- A fool gives full vent to his anger,
But a wise man keeps himself
Under control.
God knows that letting your anger get the best of you AND SNAPPING ON PEOPLE is only for a fool! Think about it, when is the last time you got angry towards someone or towards something and you got a positive reaction ? I can safely say NEVER. Yelling, screaming and cursing never help any situation. Now I understand fully... how hard it is to bite your tongue. How hard it is to not want to say something about someone esp. if it is true. My sisters... this task will WEAR YOU OUT. Anyone out there struggling with anger, I feel you! Let me just say that God is GOOD... and He is helping me with my anger everyday!
I'm a hot-head, and over the years I've noticed that my anger has gotten so bad that when I do snap on somebody it is like blacking-out.. I barely remember what I say. I have come to realize that, that is super dangerous. Words can cut like knives, and unlike a cut that heals, words and their influence are forever. I knew that something had to change, I did not like who I was becoming. I wanted to grow closer to Christ, and that anger had to go.
In your lives, in your trials and tribulations, I Pray that God will give you self-control and I also pray that you will "think on" and act out/ live accordingly to the Fruit of the Spirit. Try it out for yourself. Work on listening, and biting your tongue. You will see a huge difference in your attitude and just in your spiritual life! One book of the Bible that is really helpful and provides insight on how to and how not to act is Proverbs. Read through that, and I am sure God will speak to you!! Below I will also list some verses that can serve as guidelines to how you should act. Good Luck Sisters!!! Stay Focused.... !
Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come
out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according
to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Ephesians 4:26-27
In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go
down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold
Proverbs 15:18
A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a
patient man calms a quarrel.
Proverbs 29:11
A fool gives to his anger, but a wise man keeps
himself under
James 1:19
Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for
man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.